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Mishkan Ga'avah:
Where Pride Dwells

Rabbi Tovlev has three prayers published in Mishkan Ga'avah: Where Pride Dwells, the first Jewish collection of LGBTQ+ prayers, edited by Rabbi Denise Eger.

A Jewish Approach to Transgender Awareness Week

An article published by the CCAR Press RavBlog. Rabbi Tovlev provides insight on how to Jewishly observe Transgender Awareness Week.

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The Next Generation of Trans Rabbis: a conversation

An article published by Keshet. Rabbi Tovlev explores trans-Jewish identity with fellow rabbinical student Lea Andersen, z"l.

Prophetic Voices: Renewing and Reimagining Haftarah

Rabbi Tovlev wrote an alternative haftarah for this collection entitled "We Must Reshape Our World."

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Image by Quino Al

The First Fifty Years: A Jubilee of Prose and Poetry Honoring Women Rabbis

Rabbi Tovlev has a piece in this collection which explores what it means to be a "first."


©2022 by Tovlev

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